Unlike many businesses, we do not make you pay the credit card fees incurred when customers use them. We do ask that you use cash to help us offset the loss we face when ordering. We also accept Venmo & PayPal.
Marconi Lodge
26 W. Pultney St., Corning, NY 14830
Call or Text ahead; I occasionally have to miss a week.
Reservations & pre--pa...
Please reach out (607-237-1567, steamyfarms@yahoo.com, or link on this page to send email & include detailed request) & we'll put your order...
Please reach out (607-237-1567, steamyfarms@yahoo.com, or link on this page to send email & include detailed request) & we'll put your order...
June - October
Riverfront Centennial Park, 1 West Market Street Corning, NY 14830
Reservations & pre--pay accepted for specific items for quic...
...to be sure we're not in the chicken coop or out in the field with the cows & pigs or baling hay